Onimusha 4

Before my interest for games runs out, I ran into a page on GameSpot, then I realized one thing: The new Onimusha is going to be out in less than 10 days. The Jap version of the new Onimusha title is " Shin Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams (新鬼武者:梦之黎明)" , and will be released on Jan 26th, the same day Capcom releases DMC3: SE.
I watched several videos of the upcoming game, and found myself get excited a little bit. That's not a good sign for me, especially at this moment, when we are stepping into games time operation. I will not have any time playing it for sure, and probably won't be able to play it for the next several months...
The action of the heroes in the new game looks a lot quicker, comparing with Onimusha 2 (I haven't got a chance to play Oni3 yet). I don't know whether this game will surpass the second installment. This time Capcom has imported a co-battle system from Dynasty Worriors, make the battle screens more splendid.
Can't wait to see the game comes out.
See ya on Jan 26th!
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