DMC4 again
Playing the game makes me frustrated. However, I enjoy it more after playing it. Strange. This is the glamor of Devil may Cry series.
Aiming to complete DMD difficulty of DMC4, I start to play the game again last week.
A memory of Devil My Cry
Still remember how excited/exhausted I was when I was playing DMC - the masterpiece original on PS2 in Athens.
I breezed through the easier modes and then got nailed down constantly by devils in DMD mode. After visiting in searching of a guide, I found some great tips about how to play DMC in DMD mode. I practiced again and again the skills, forging the perfect strategy for each type of enemy.
The guide covers the strategy of dealing with EVERY single enemy appears in DMD mode. Also some other guides have covered how to play through each mission for an S rank. It was a time without high speed internet so no video walkthrough was available. However I still found the process of beating the game so exciting and I still think as of today the DMC is the greatest game ever made.
DMC4 - A brief review
So how does DMC4 performs?
I'll try to give some comments on the following topics: graphics, cut-scene, character design, storyline, style, action, etc.
Graphics - Great
As a game released for PS3/Xbox360/PC, it matches the highest standard for graphics, in my opinion. Levels are impressive in terms of color, style, detail. Scenes I loved most was the forest, with bright green color and beautiful shade of sunshine.
Cut-scene - Cool
Way too cool, overkill.
Character design - Fair
Hero, enemy and the beauty
Hero - great
Design of Nero and Dante was great. Although they look similar, their controls are quite different.
Enemy - fine
I don't quite like the fly like enemy, and I am not a fan of huge sized enemy. But overall, the enemy design is fine.
Beauty - ugly
Just don't understand why Tracy and Lady are sooooo ugly.
Not to mention the other girl - Nero's girl friend: I wouldn't risk my life at all in order to save such an ugly girl.
The Tracy in disguised mode, though, was hot.
Storyline - Fair
We always know that the DMC series are not good at telling story. Or, to put it fairly: The story is not the strong point of DMC.
Style - Great
Capcom has created another game with stylish actions.
Action - Great
The control of your character;
Level Design - Fair
If only there was no repetitive levels and bosses, the level design would be great. Other than that, some areas are too large - which makes fighting experience not so intensive. I still remember how excited I am in the first several levels of DMC3 - you have to dodge and fight all the time in order not to get hit by enemy.
Overall, the game experience is great. However, the repeating levels and boss fight makes it not a 'must have' title.
If you simply want to enjoy some stylish actions, this is the game for you.
What's going on next?
Now I have stopped playing it for a while. Haven't played through the hard mode yet. Maybe I'll come back to it when I am in the right mood.

Aiming to complete DMD difficulty of DMC4, I start to play the game again last week.
A memory of Devil My Cry
Still remember how excited/exhausted I was when I was playing DMC - the masterpiece original on PS2 in Athens.
I breezed through the easier modes and then got nailed down constantly by devils in DMD mode. After visiting in searching of a guide, I found some great tips about how to play DMC in DMD mode. I practiced again and again the skills, forging the perfect strategy for each type of enemy.
The guide covers the strategy of dealing with EVERY single enemy appears in DMD mode. Also some other guides have covered how to play through each mission for an S rank. It was a time without high speed internet so no video walkthrough was available. However I still found the process of beating the game so exciting and I still think as of today the DMC is the greatest game ever made.
DMC4 - A brief review
So how does DMC4 performs?
I'll try to give some comments on the following topics: graphics, cut-scene, character design, storyline, style, action, etc.
Graphics - Great
As a game released for PS3/Xbox360/PC, it matches the highest standard for graphics, in my opinion. Levels are impressive in terms of color, style, detail. Scenes I loved most was the forest, with bright green color and beautiful shade of sunshine.
Cut-scene - Cool
Way too cool, overkill.
Character design - Fair
Hero, enemy and the beauty
Hero - great
Design of Nero and Dante was great. Although they look similar, their controls are quite different.
Enemy - fine
I don't quite like the fly like enemy, and I am not a fan of huge sized enemy. But overall, the enemy design is fine.
Beauty - ugly
Just don't understand why Tracy and Lady are sooooo ugly.
Not to mention the other girl - Nero's girl friend: I wouldn't risk my life at all in order to save such an ugly girl.
The Tracy in disguised mode, though, was hot.
Storyline - Fair
We always know that the DMC series are not good at telling story. Or, to put it fairly: The story is not the strong point of DMC.
Style - Great
Capcom has created another game with stylish actions.
Action - Great
The control of your character;
Level Design - Fair
If only there was no repetitive levels and bosses, the level design would be great. Other than that, some areas are too large - which makes fighting experience not so intensive. I still remember how excited I am in the first several levels of DMC3 - you have to dodge and fight all the time in order not to get hit by enemy.
Overall, the game experience is great. However, the repeating levels and boss fight makes it not a 'must have' title.
If you simply want to enjoy some stylish actions, this is the game for you.
What's going on next?
Now I have stopped playing it for a while. Haven't played through the hard mode yet. Maybe I'll come back to it when I am in the right mood.